Siquijor Joined the World: Our Inaugural International Hobbit Day Celebration 2023

For several years, the desire to celebrate this extraordinary day has burned brightly within us. However, the unwelcome presence of a global pandemic kept our dreams at bay. But this year, as the world slowly opened its arms to gatherings and shared moments, we found ourselves tingling with excitement. Our dedicated staff worked tirelessly, adorning … More Siquijor Joined the World: Our Inaugural International Hobbit Day Celebration 2023

A Magical Journey Begins: Celebrating International Hobbit Day at Kamp Aninipot

On September 22nd, 2023, a momentous day is dawning upon us here at Kamp Aninipot, marking the commencement of a truly extraordinary voyage. It’s a day when we, as an establishment, embark on a journey that seeks to bridge the enchanting realm of Hobbiton with the rich tapestry of Siquijor’s history. For us, this day … More A Magical Journey Begins: Celebrating International Hobbit Day at Kamp Aninipot